
Welcome to Ezra and Marc's blog. We're blogging to tell you about our lab and what we learned.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How can this be used?

The New Jersey State Aquarium in Camden utilizes information similar to the data we collected.  Just like humans, fish also need oxygen.  They take oxygen in through their gills.  They need higher levels of oxygen in order to perform respiration.  Low dissolved oxygen can kill fish.  This may be the case if all the fish die at the same time.  This affects large fish more than small fish.  Some fish may even be at the surface of the water trying to get oxygen (piping).  This is often severe if in a water with large populations of algae or aquatic plants. 
What to do???
If this happens the most important thing to do is turn on an aerator.  If this isn’t available, not much can be done.  Although we were unable to contact the aquarium or find this information on the website, we bet that the aquarium has an aerator.    

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